27 Oct 2013

Genuine Emotion


So, what im going to share tonight is what I've been feeling, what im annoyed at, and whom did I annoyed with, once I hate someone, I will hate everything about them even at their littlest thing or mistake, everything they do annoys me and wrong to me. But I dont accuse and assume all of Palestine People come and go, the one I hate now might be the one I need the most in future and the one I need the most for now might be the one I am better off without. Well, I am better off dead because all I do is hating, I have tried my best to push away my ego and also my anger even when I am mad as fuck. Here it goes, wait that's not the main point why I am updating my blog tonight haha, the story is in the next paragraph.

Dont you get tired and sick of those people who think they're right and they're the most clever human being in this planet. I mean, come on. Did someone ever gave you an advice when the advice actually suits for themselves, and did someone ever gave you an advice and think its easy for you to take his/her advice especially when you're confused, tell me, is it easy for you to make a decision when you're in hurry? Well, same situation for someone who is depressed,  confused and what ever, everything that is related to stress. based on an idiom, "you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink". To be clear or more detail, it means you can persuade and comfort people with your advice and positive thoughts but you cant make them listen 100% and take your advice.

Isn't it annoying when someone you respect take you for granted. I mean, did anyone correct you when you corrected them because they dont want to feel embarrassed by you when all you want to do is to help them and not to embarrass them? damn, this situation suck the most, suck to the core. As an example when you said "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" yes, it is a quote by Muhammad Ali the boxer. Then, someone tried to correct you by saying, "hey, butterfly fly away and not float" imagine if this ever happen to you. You'll be like... what the fuck? are you trying to prove to people that you're actually good in english because all this while people know you're dumb as fuck. I mean, thats a quote, who fucking change a quote? Thats so disrepectful if you change a quote. So I watched a movie "6 days 7 nights" and im confused with the title so I said it should be 6 days 5 nights so they go home might be in the morning, afternoon or evening. Suddenly, an ugly beast said "what? Its correct, they went home at nigt if its 6 days 7 nights" I was like, hello are you okay? Days are supposed to be more than the nights for any campaign. It is so annoying when someone whom people look with full of disgrace try to correct you when you once corrected them in the past, so they planned a so called revenge to prove you that they're clever too. When the fact is, they look so dumb. Even dumb than the 3 stooges.

Its almost 11.30pm and today is sunday. Tomorrow is monday, ah god, it is school day and I am forced to go to school since one of my friends are moving next year, unfortunately,  shes not going to stay at the same school for next year. I hope tomorrow will be the best day in my whole entire life, I am so lifeless thanks bye.

Assalamualaikum, may Allah bless your life and soul. May Allah gather you with all the people in jannah and push you away from the hell fire. May we passed the As-Sirat and always pray to Allah swt. Never stop du'a because Allah is never too far away, Al-Fatihah to all of our brothers and sisters in Syria, Palestine and other countries that is suffering from  Israel's attack. Amin.

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