16 May 2013

Mind Blown

People!! I'm back, for awhile. Only for 30 minutes, so that I can update this post!

I've been thinking about this one quote, It's really deep!

"If I were to die tomorrow, what would you say to me today?"

Or if you dont really understand that sentence, i'll tell you what does that quoted sentence means. It means, if i'm dying today and obviously im going to die or should i say my date of death is tomorrow (lol), what would people around you (who lied to you, who cared bout you or maybe secretly loves you), tells you today. Will they tell you the truth? Or will they stay as a coward, keep their mouth shut and let you die without knowing anything or should I say without knowing everything you should've known earlier? Read this post's title, yep! The wind blown me away, my mind cant even predict a thing about telling the truth. Even my words are all twisted up.

It's been 2 weeks, I'm busy as fuck and totally fucked of course!! I'm in my examination week which is physically killing me but I don't want to give up now. I'm going to try my best and beat the shit out of everyone, not to be the top. But, to prove them that I'm not as stupid as they thought. I can smell the underestimations around me. They made me feel bad, they made me feel that they're higher while I'm the lowest in the lowest of the lowest list. That is so unfair, you're a human being, I'm a human being. If you can be the best, why can't I? I just need to avoid myself from all of the online games. Thats it! Thats my main point why cant I fucking score in every subject, it's because I cant get rid of online games and social networks. I wouldn't have it any other way, I couldn't have it any other way.

I'm trying my best to do alot of revisions on history, geography, science and mathematics. I'm hoping for 80% and above! I need you to help me. Insert my name in your du'a. Help me throughout my lifetime by inserting my name in your du'a. May Allah SWT receive your du'a and grant all of your wishes! May the luck be on your side.


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