4 May 2013

Dear Sham

Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera, salam 1 malaysia, hello.

A friend of mine said something to me and I get a little goosebump because his words really touch my heart and I really am waiting for some sentences that could strengthen up my heart after so many shits i've go through or maybe been through. Thank god someone actually made up my heart.

"It seems like you've changed a lot, which is a good news for me, you're going to face a lot of challenges through your lifetime , I will just pray for your goodness. Good luck with your examination, 'PMR' to be exact, put your dreams high even though you think that it's hard to reach it, you will at least try your best shot and if God wills, you'll get what you want." - Amirul Shamin

That really touched my heart! I didnt expect anyone to give some kickass-heart-strengthen-sentence that could give me goosebump (because this is so sweet). Anyway, I never hated sham since the first time i met him! He is a douchebag, well not everytime but at times.. yes. He's like the best guy-virtual-friend I had. I love him twice as much I did yesterday and I never stop thinking about him and Aishah Azizol!

Sometimes I do think about him and when can I ever meet him again in any retros. Few days ago, when i was in science additional class. My teacher said "Shampoo" and I automatically thinked about you. I was thinking, one day if i meet you i wanted to insult you by saying "What if i add poo on your name" but too bad, nowadays its a little too hard for me to meet you. If you're reading this, i love you so much! Thank you for everything and kirim salam dekat eca.

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