30 Apr 2013


Assalamualaikum, Selamat sejahtera, Salam 1 Malaysia, Hello.

Today, I would like to post about Life. Life isn't about interrogative questions in your mind, all of your self-conscious, all of the negative things going on and on in your mind. No one go through life without having a bad day, everyone think about all of their wrong doings, all of the embarrassing moments they go through before they go to bed. It's not easy, it's an unforgettable memories or maybe past. Past is past, we must learn to let go, but when it hurts so much, its not that easy to let go. Its not easy to let go everything and everyone must know that! Everyone shouldn't talk like their words are nothing. Sometimes, their words are like knife or should I say an unstoppable needle, knitting a scarf full of grief which goes on and on, obviously it wont stop. I dont know what is life, whats the real life because I honestly don't really enjoy the life I'm living right now, I dont even get what I want, I wont force my parents, I let them go with the flow. I had a miserable life years behind, back when I was in secondary 2 and under. I cant even tell you how miserable I was before. I thank god everyday for what I have right now, He gave me another day to live, to breathe, to get what I want.

Life is hard to define, but for me life isnt about thinking all of the miserable moments you had before, all of your sorrow. Once is enough, I guess? I made a decision to change who I am right now to a better person! I won't think about my bad times anymore. I might post about it on my blog, but that's it. Right after the post, I wont be thinking about it anymore. I couldn't care less. Life isn't about enjoying your life while you can and go drunk every night too. In my opinion, life is about "aiming" what you want, your destination, where to go  and "will you succeed". But don't think too much! Make your parents proud, raise your hand and make du'a. Never forget the one who created you and gave you the chance to achieve what you want. Never forget to do your prayers.

Allah has said in surah Az-Zariyat  "And I have created the Jinn and the men only for this that they may worship Me. They should serve Me, for I am their Creator. When no one else has created them, no one else has the right that they should serve him; and how can it be admissible for them that they should serve others instead of Me, their Creator?"

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