19 Apr 2013


Firstly, I fucking love imagine dragons. All of their songs! Especially "Radioactive", somehow it gives me strength. Through ups and downs, when i'm feeling down, thats the only song i played, keep on replaying it till i'm feeling better.

I wanted to share my opinions so bad but, we all know humans do criticize. To them, you should be perfect to share opinions or they'll compare you and your opinions. Really unacceptable how humans are so sensitive. I'm so tired of people around tryna be the best but never try their best.

Currently busy with choir practice, choir competition on 24/4. Wish me luck, gonna do my best. A really hectic month for April and May! So many things to be done, choir competition on 24/4. Mid term on 16/5. Going to Arau, Perlis on 30/4. Must finish up my Sejarah and Geografi Folio before June and also my Kerja Kaju. Not to forget, my Kemahiran Hidup files! When can I do my homeworks and revisions!

I'm going to spa, will be updating about my opinions soon!

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