26 Apr 2013

I protest against everything!

Assalamualaikum, Salam Sejahtera, Salam 1 Malaysia, Hello.

From my previous post, I made a decision. I won't be posting what i've been thinking lately or maybe my opinions. I've been through lots of depressions, sadness, hatreds, dissapointments, happy times, laughing moments and everything. They're all useful whenever I'm feeling down. But, what i get alot is sadness instead of happiness. My happiness are far away while the sadness keeps on approaching. I'm getting tired with all of the mess i need to go through and all of the mess i did! God has given you mind, a working high-intellectual mind to distinguish you from animals but still, i see no differences in human being and animals nowadays. I'm not trying to be mean, i'm trying to state the fact or maybe what i've seen lately on earth.

I have a high temper or maybe a bad temper mood. That mood suddenly came when I didnt get what I want! It's a little bit hard for me to keep on patience. Patience always lead me to the wrong way. Because of patience, people will take an adantage on me and that's what i hate, THE MOST. Taking an advantage on me again and again uh? You dare to do that again! If you did, you'll regret. I swear to god you will regret.

I had a fight yesterday, maybe an argument. Indeed. It isn't a big deal to me if you're indirectly pissing me off on twitter. Eventhough indirect fights are pathetic and lame, if you started it first, i've no choice brothers and sisters. You might think i'm kind at times but when it comes to pissing me off, i'm now different than before. Tld ya i had a bad temper. I get mad easily. We have so many religions in this world, but non of their God grant someone's wish if it's a bad thing such as " I hope God send a moving truck to hit you tomorrow, I hope so because I hate you " Everyone knows that God won't grant a bad wish because hate in your heart will consume you too. Be good to everyone, be good eventhough you're in the biggest problem you can't handle on your own and badly need a shoulder to cry on.

Also, by cursing nor swearing doesnt make you look good. The truth is, you're weak. you're pointless, worthless, useless & everything thats less. Nothing makes you better when you're cursing or swearing. Release your depressions correctly not by cursing others. Do you even get anything by cursing? Yes, everyone do curse. I did that too, not once, not twice, not thrice. More than hundreds of time! But I realised i wont get a thing by cursing so it isn't a big deal. I'll try my best to stop cursing whenever i'm angry. Will start stating some good sarcastic facts and comebacks instead of cursing. When your opponent can't seem to deny your points because your points seem so real that they cant even deny it. Being real isn't mean, it shows the real you. Do not deny your opponent's words unless its not true.

Remember, God has told you to do good deeds. Heaven isn't far away, you're simply slow. Go for it.

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