12 Apr 2013


 Allah is referred to as “the All-Seeing” forty-two times in the Qur’an. For instance, Allah says:

“For those who keep from evil are Gardens with their Lord, beneath which rivers flow wherein they will abide, and pure companions, and contentment from Allah. Allah is Seer of (all) that His servants do.”  
[Sūrah Āl `Imrān: 15]

“He is with you wherever you are; and Allah is the Seer of all that you do.” [Sūrah al-Hadīd: 4]

 For the believers, knowledge that Allah sees and hears all things is a reassurance and comfort. Allah says: “And put your trust in the Mighty, the Merciful, who sees you when you stand up (to pray) and your bowing in prostration with those who bow down.” [Sūrah al-Shu`arā’.: 217-219] 

It comforts the heart to know that Allah sees and hears us when we beseech Him. It strengthens our resolve and fortitude in the face of all obstacles and sorrows. When Allah sent Moses and Aaron to confront Pharaoh, He comforted them with the words: “Indeed, I am with you, hearing and seeing.” 
[Sūrah TāHā: 46]

Likewise, Allah reassures Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saying: “So wait patiently for your Lord's decree, for surely you are in Our sight.” [Sūrah al-Tūr: 48]

Likewise, when we engage in our worldly affairs, like our jobs or our commerce, we will be conscious that there is much more at stake than the supervision of the human authorities appointed over us. We will know that Allah is watching us and taking account of our deeds, and nothing escapes His notice. We will engage in our work with honesty and integrity. This is why Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Allah loves it when any of you engages in some work, that he does it well.”  
[Musnad Abī Ya`lā (4386), Shu`ab al-Īmān (5313, 5314) and al-Silsilah al-Sahīhah (1113)] 

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