12 Apr 2013


Those bunnies are kinda cool so i decided to post it, damn those bunnies are attractive, now im insecure with bunnies.. REALLY? Okay, actually theres nothing related with bunnies in this post, i wanted to tell you... yay! I'm in choir! Soprano category! Felt sooo good and very very very very satisfied of course. I wanted to join choir like ages ago since im a total dumb in playing musical instruments, singing is fine.

So, the main reason im here, updating, is because... have you ever felt so complicated but you never want to give up? Well, i hope i have a really strong heart which wont lead me into giving up. Its up to you, its up to me. Theres one thing which extinguish human being and animals, i hope i'll do my best, will improve in future. I mean, who doesnt want to make their parents proud? This is for the best, everyone want the best.

"Have you ever like someone who's in a relationsihp with a girl, he act like he likes you too but he cant seem to ask his girl for a break up"

Well, let that quote speak, im off.

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